Sunday, July 20, 2014

Grinch Hunting- day twelve


     Wow, I'm sorry from yesterday. I didn't realize the type didn't turn white as it's supposed to. Oh well, I fixed it so you can read yesterday's post now too. I actually had to turn the type white. You can still comment on yesterday since you didn't read big parts of it, I see. Anyways, I'm still seriously going to post three of your poems. I'll have it be preferably about Grinches or Grinch hunting, but I guess it doesn't really have to be, if that's what stopping you from sending in poems (for more information, look at Grinch hunting, day eleven).
     It's Sunday today, and if any of you haven't seen Grinch Hunting- day four, then you won't know that I don't hunt for Grinches on Sunday. So, about my blog. Using my supreme power as blog owner, I have seen that at least four people look at it. I'm assuming that they are the four same people. Tell me if I'm right. Actually, as I fixed the color five minutes ago, looking right now... two people have already looked at it. More people look at it, but not on a daily bases. Once I got fifty. Anyways, tell your friends, because I'm trying to get more. I'll tell you if it improves.

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